Gestational Diabetes: You Can Reduce Your Risk


If you're expecting a baby, you already have experienced many changes. However, there is a common condition that some women can develop in pregnancy that isn't entirely preventable: gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes occurs when your body has trouble regulating its blood sugar during pregnancy. Without proper management, it can cause some complications for you and your baby. Even though gestational diabetes isn't always preventable, there are some things you can do to reduce your risk.

26 July 2017

How To Treat ‎Endometriosis While Trying To Become Pregnant


Getting a diagnosis of endometriosis explains the discomfort you have been feeling. This condition is a painful disorder that causes tissue to grow outside of your uterus. This tissue is known as the endometrium. It lines the inside of your uterus. Read on to find out how to treat endometriosis while trying to become pregnant. How Does This Condition Affect Your Body? When you menstruate, your body sheds the lining of your uterus.

24 July 2017

Self-Breast Exam Tips That Can Save Your Life


Going to the gynecologist once per year and getting a breast exam at your appointment is just not enough. You need to perform self-breast exams at home too to help stay ahead of breast cancer. You may not be a doctor yourself, but that doesn't mean you can't find a questionable lump and have it examined further. See below for some self-breast exam tips so you know what to look for and the proper technique.

18 July 2017

5 Tips For Avoiding A Yeast Infection


A yeast infection is really uncomfortable and painful. Sadly, it is something that most women will experience at one point or another in their lifetime. However, there are lots of steps that you can take to avoid ever getting a yeast infection.  #1 Watch How You Wipe How you wipe yourself after you use the bathroom can have an effect on how often or if you get a yeast infection. When you have a bowel movement, you should always wipe from the front towards the back of your body.

17 July 2017